Our tests: what are they, why choose them and how to use them?

Through personalized medicine, our solutions aim to optimize both the effectiveness of radiotherapy treatments and the prevention of toxicities. We do not all have the same sensitivity to radiation used in radiotherapy. Measuring this radiosensitivity makes it possible to assess the risk of side effects prior to treatment.

One out of two cancers is treated by radiation therapy.

One out of every 5 radiation therapy patients suffers from adverse effects

Our predictive tests

Our rapid tests reflect our goal of personalizing medicine by optimizing radiotherapy treatments while taking into account individual specificities. Radiotherapy patients show different radiation sensitivities. Measuring this radiosensitivity allows to evaluate, prior to the actual treatment, the risk for side effects.

RadioDtect : screening test​

Identify patients at risk


“Elisa Test” blood sample carried out at the hospital’s medical biology laboratory or a private one nearby




an analysis of the radiosensitivity or radioresistance of healthy tissue


suitable for all patients treated with radiotherapy Our test does not delay the start of the patient’s treatment.

RadioProfile : expert test

Define a patient’s radiosensitivity


skin punch, immunofluorescence test carried out in our expert laboratory


3 weeks


A full report including: – Classification among the patient’s radiosensitivity groups – The prediction on the CTCAE scale (risk of toxicity) of the level of potential severity of side effects


suitable for hyper-radiosensitive patients and specific profiles (genetic disorders and pediatric cancer). Our test does not delay the start of the patient’s treatment and is done in RUO (Research Use Only)

Parcours praticien
Parcours patient

Step 1 Depending on the circumstances, you can offer your patient to take the test. Your patient can also inform you of his or her wishes. You will write a medical prescription.

Etape 2 Vous pouvez nous contacter pour recevoir notre documentation ou pour commander des kits de prélèvement patient via notre formulaire de contact.

Step 3 The results of the blood test are sent to the prescribing doctor. Thanks to the radiosensitivity tests, you will be able to propose a personalized treatment plan and to offer your patient more personalized care.
Step 1 Depending on the circumstances, you can offer your patient to take the test. Your patient can also inform you of his or her wishes. You will write a medical prescription.

Etape 2 Vous pouvez nous contacter pour recevoir notre documentation ou pour commander des kits de prélèvement patient via notre formulaire de contact.

Step 3 The results of the blood test are sent to the prescribing doctor. Thanks to the radiosensitivity tests, you will be able to propose a personalized treatment plan and to offer your patient more personalized care.

Step 1 Depending on the circumstances, your doctor may suggest that you take the test. You can also inform him/her of your wishes. He or she will write you a medical prescription.

Step 2 Your doctor will provide you informations about the test.

Step 3 The results of the blood test are sent to the prescribing doctor. Thanks to the radiosensitivity test, your doctor will offer you a more personalized treatment.

Step 1 Depending on the circumstances, your doctor may suggest that you take the test. You can also inform him/her of your wishes. He or she will write you a medical prescription.

Step 2 Your doctor will provide you informations about the test.

Step 3 The results of the blood test are sent to the prescribing doctor. Thanks to the radiosensitivity test, your doctor will offer you a more personalized treatment.

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